To Start:
- Download the 100 Page The Truth About Putting eBook below in PDF format. If viewing on mobile, the free PDF Acrobat Reader App is helpful to enlarge of decrease the font size (available in the app-store). Do not share the book outside of your immediate family, it is copyrighted.
- Module 1 on Short-Putting is broken into 3 video playlists of 5-7 short videos.
Module 2 on Mental Anchors has one 10-video playlist.
Each playlist can be watched continually and can be screen-cast to bigger screens. Start Module 1 & 2 at the bottom of this page.
Coming soon, neeeedd to change this aaapppp:
- Modules 2 to 4 on: 2) Short Putting Mental Anchors, 3) Medium and Long Putting, 4) Putting Technique, Practice, Grips, Putters will be released every 3 days for 2 weeks.
- Email lessons, and Bonus Module 5 contain older videos from the original course from many years ago. These and email-lessons will be released over the next 4 to 8 weeks. Bite size lessons with one or two principles for you to focus on for the following week.
- Download the eBook
- Below the eBook, start Modules 1 and 2 on Short-Putting and Mental Anchors
Download The Truth About Putting eBook
(Click on image and eBook will open in new tab.)

Click on the Green Button to Start
Modules 1 & 2