“Golf-Instruction For Club-Golfers”

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Read Putting Articles

  1. You don’t need to aim at the hole to have 24 putts for 18 holes
  2. How focusing too much on your putting stroke can ruin your putting, and what to focus on instead for consistent 27 to 32 putts/round putting
  3. Learn how 74 year old, 18 handicapper, Ray, went from multiple 3-putts on the front 9 to making 2 putts from 20ft and 3 from 6 to 10 feet in his final 10 holes

Swing and Shot-making Articles

  1. Swing Technique: The Majority of Club-Golfers use a Kids Golf Swing. Professionals and Top Amateurs use an Adults Golf Swing. This article will inform you about the four fundamentals of an Adults Golf Swing that fuel clean, strong, consistent golf shots: The Adults Golf Swing
  2. Shot-making and low scores come come from the think, see, feel swing process. I call it the Automatic Golf System. Learn more here: The Automatic Golf System


Shortgame training course for club-golfers covering all types of chipping, pitching and bunker shots.


  • Simpler, more consistent techniques
  • Different shots (high, low, safe versus risky)
  • Important: the mental and physical routines required to play solid, nerve-free shots in and out of competitions.

The shortgame is fun and rewarding when you can hit solid shots consistently.

Learn more about Build a Better Shortgame, here

Scoring & Mental