Playlist 1 – Full Shots (9 Videos) The Automatic Golf System, Irons, Woods, Mental
- Introduction to the Automatic Golf System
- How the Automatic Golf Swing Works (Process)
- Hands and Arms in the Backswing
- Shot-making and Feeling Your Golf Swing
- Mental Anchors and Awareness in the Golf Swing
- Correcting Hooks and Slices with Feel
- Grips, Setup and Posture
- A Driver Shot
- Driver – Feed your Swing… Visualize & Feel – for a Sound Swing. [*This is from the Adults Golf Swing. It does a good job at explaining how working on ball-flight can help your swing technique]
*Video Playlist Instructions: Press play then let the video playlist play or click the 9-box-icon in the bottom right of player to select any video in the list.
Playlist 2 – Chips, Pitches, Lobs, 3/4 Shots and Putts (7 Videos)
- Chipping and Pitching Overview
- Lob Shot (Triangle and Tempo Key)
- Lob Shot (Mental Anchor for Nerves-free Natural Swinging)
- Pitching and Half Wedges Shots. [Below are short snippets on applying feel to your process]
- The Learning Process (Putting Green)
- Shooting Your Best Round
- Your Putting Intention