Adults Golf Swing Part 1 – Intro, Hands and Arms, Balance, Tempo (7 Video Playlist)
- Overview
- Introduction and 4 Fundamentals
- Balance, Tempo and Length of Swing (Theory)
- Balance, Tempo and Length of Swing (Faults and Fixes)
- Correct Backswing – Hand and Arm Movements
- The Chain-Reaction Golf Swing
- How an Excellent Swing Should Feel
*Video Playlist Instructions: Press play then let the video playlist play or click the 9-box-icon in the bottom right of player to select any video in the list.
Adults Golf Swing Part 2 – Visualization, Pin-Seeking High Irons, Woods, Fixing Hooks & Slices (7 Videos)
- The Visual Feeds an Excellent Swing
- Pin-Seeking High Irons
- Driver
- Speciality Drive-Shots
- Clean Crisp 3-Woods
- From Hooks/Draws to Straight Shots
- From Slices to Straight Shots