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The Truth About Putting Training Course 

As the book title says, “A simple system for dependable short-putting and feel-enhanced long putting” . And more!

The Truth About Putting Training Course

TAP has been taken by thousands of serious club-golfers from around the World. In the course, the truth about excellent putting is taught, that is, excellent week in, week out, short, medium and long putting comes down Reading, Routine, React and Review. 

TAP will help you focus on the essentials of putting, not the latest quick-fix putter, training aid or grip which takes you off reading the line and speed and reacting freely to the target.


  1. 50+ short videos in Sections covering short putts, long and medium putts, green reading, practice, technique, putting under competition pressure and much more
  2. 100 page+ reference eBook
  3. 6 weeks of bi weekly email lessons; strengthens lessons from video and book content
  4. Accessible 24/7 in your members account, and Q and A whenever required.