Shortgame Modules: Chipping and Pitching

6 Videos, Playlist #1. Fundamentals of Chipping

  1. Basic Chip-shot and Ball Position
  2. Chipping Setup: Grip Down and Be Close to The Ball
  3. 15 Yard Pitch (older)
  4. Chipping Routine: “See It, Feel It, Hit It”
  5. Hitting Chips Different Distances
  6. Long Lofted Chip

*Video Playlist Instructions: Press play then let the video playlist play or click the 9-box-icon in the bottom right of player to select any video in the list.


8 Videos, Playlist #2. Chipping and Pitching from Various Lies, Practice, Club Selection

    1. How to Play Chip-Shots into the Grain
    2. Bump and Run Uphill From Next to the Green
    3. Bump and Run from a Poor Lie
    4. Wedge-Bounce and Selecting the Correct Club to Use
    5. Practicing the Shortgame
    6. Lob and Lofted Chip Shots
    7. Chipping from a Tight, Muddy Lie
    8. Short Pitch from Heavy Rough Next to the Green

*Video Playlist Instructions: Press play then let the video playlist play or click the 9-box-icon in the bottom right of player to select any video in the list.


7 videos, Playlist #3: Lob shots, Long Pitches, Half and 3/4 Wedge Shots

  1. The Lob shot
  2. Tough Lob Shot Under Pressure (Mental/Vision Tip)
  3. 25 Yard Pitch Shot
  4. Half Wedge Shots 50 to 90 yards
  5. Varying Length of Swing and Tempo for Half Wedge Shots
  6. Playing Half-Wedge Shots Aggressively
  7. 90 Yard Wedge-Shot

*Video Playlist Instructions: Press play then let the video playlist play or click the 9-box-icon in the bottom right of player to select any video in the list.